Following a Public Hearing, Village of Pemberton Council gave third and final reading of Zoning Amendment (Cannabis, Retail) Bylaw No. 847, 2018 on October 16, 2018. This Bylaw will set out regulations to implement the Non-Medical (Recreational) Cannabis Retail Policy. In summary, the Policy and Bylaw state:
- A maximum of two (2) non-medical (recreational) cannabis retail businesses will be permitted to operate in the Town Centre Commercial (C-1) Zone at any one time.
- Locations for non-medical (recreational) cannabis retail businesses must be at least one hundred and fifty (150) meters away from the following public uses: Community Centres/Youth Centres, Libraries, Licenced Daycares, Playgrounds & Playing Fields, Schools, Skate Parks/Bike Parks and other locations frequented by minors.
- A non-medical (recreational) cannabis retail business may operate between the hours of 9:00am and 9:00pm.
- Safety and security measures including video surveillance cameras, certified security and fire alarm systems, air filtration and odour suppression systems must be operational at all times.
- Minimum of 2 employees must be on site during hours of operation.
- Businesses are required to obtain a Village of Pemberton Business Licence once they receive a licence from the Province.
- Notification will be provided to properties within 100 metres of a proposed non-medical (recreational) cannabis retail business location, and two (2) consecutive ads in the local newspaper will notify the community in general.
The Village’s next step is to bring forward a Business Licence Amendment Bylaw to include Cannabis, Retail as a type of business permitted within the Village of Pemberton. This Bylaw will be brought to Council for consideration before the close of 2018. This does not preclude the Village from accepting application referrals from the Province.
Please note, the above listing is a summary of requirements. For a complete listing of requirements, regulations and application submission process, please review the Non-Medical (Recreational) Cannabis Retail Policy and Zoning Amendment (Cannabis, Retail) Bylaw No. 847, 2018.
Questions? Contact the Village Office at 604.894.6135 or admin@pemberton.ca