The Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest is located adjacent to and is managed through a partnership between the Village of Pemberton and the Lil’wat Nation. The Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest is submitting for approval, a Forest Stewardship Plan [FSP]. The proposed Forest Stewardship Plan is for a teŕm of 5 years, and when approved, will form the basis for the issuance of permits authorizing road construction, harvesting and other forest development activities. The Forest Stewardship Plan conforms and complies with applicable Higher-Level Plans, the Forest and Range Practices Act and the associated regulatory framework.
As per Section 20 of the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation, notice is hereby given to all First Nations, Guides, Outfitters, Trappers, Private Land Owners, Tenure Holders, Water Users and the general public that submission of the Forest Stewardship Plan for approval is proceeding and your input is requested so that any concerns or comments can be addressed.
The proposed Forest Stewardship Plan is available for public review and comment commencing November 1, 2018 and lasting for a period of 60 days, at the Village of Pemberton and at the offices of Lil’wat Forestry Ventures in Mount Currie.
Additionally, an Information Session will be hosted will be held November 19th in the Village of Pemberton to present the FSP and the associated Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest Management Plan. Details of the Information Session will be posted when final.
View the Spel̓kúmtn Community Forest Stewardship Plan
Comments regarding this plan must be in writing, and received no later than January 4, 2019. Comments should be addressed to: Abe Litz, RPF Hedberg Associates Consulting Ltd. Suite 205-1121 Commercial Place, Squamish BC V8B 0S5 Phone 604.815.4555 ext 228 alitz@hedbergassociates.com