Outdoor Spaces and Field Closures

The Village of Pemberton (VOP) maintains 4 grass soccer fields, 3 baseball diamonds, a bike skills park, basketball court, 2 tennis courts and 9 parks. Scroll down for information about requesting a field or park rental.

The sports field inventory consists of the Village of Pemberton, SLRD and School District #48 owned fields that are maintained by Village of Pemberton staff. Working together, along with sport user groups, the VOP is committed to providing safe, quality sport surfaces for public use.

In order to keep the sports fields in optimum condition, proper maintenance, play management and continued cooperation between the Village, SLRD, School District #48 and sport users is essential.

Field and Park Closures

Field/Park Name Dates of Operation* Status Notes
BMX Track May 2 - October 31 OPEN  
Creekside Tennis Courts Weather Dependent OPEN  
Den Duyf Park - Soccer Field #1 May 1 - October 31 OPEN *Subject to change
Den Duyf Park - Soccer Field #2 May 1* - October 31 OPEN *Subject to change
Den Duyf Park -
Bike Skills Park
April 15* - October 31 OPEN *Subject to change
Den Duyf Park -
Dirt Jumps
May 1* - October 31 OPEN The flat jumps are currently closed for maintenance 
Meadows Field - Soccer Fields April 1 - October 31 OPEN  
Meadows Field - Softball Fields April 1 - October 31 OPEN  
Meadows Field - Open Field April 1 - October 31 OPEN  
Skatepark Weather Dependent OPEN  
Outdoor Basketball Court Weather Dependent OPEN* *Closed during school hours
Alder Street Park Year Round OPEN  
Downtown Barn Year Round OPEN  
Foughberg Park Year Round OPEN  
Gates Lake Park Year Round OPEN  
Nature Play Park Year Round CLOSED Under Construction
One Mile Lake Park Year Round OPEN  
Pioneer Park Year Round OPEN  
Rozsypalek Park Year Round OPEN  
Staehli Park Year Round OPEN  
Zurcher Park Year Round OPEN  

*Dates of operation are not guaranteed, weather dependent = user groups should have a plan B for weather delays.
*Fields will be monitored beginning in March and operations will update bi-weekly on field conditions. User groups will be notified when fields area ready.

Unsafe field conditions caused by poor weather are the primary reason for sports field closures. Experience has shown that most turf damage occurs with field overuse, use during Spring snow melt, and inclement weather.

If your home field is damaged as a result of play, during inclement weather the VOP may not be able to provide an alternative facility. Thus it is in everyone’s interest to ensure that fields are not used when play damages the playing surface. In order to meet the demand for high quality fields and to ensure a safe playing field both weather and field conditions are regularly monitored to ensure that scheduled games do not:

  • Cause abnormal damage to the field surface
  • Jeopardize further scheduled use of fields
  • Compromise personal safety of league players or general public

When a field is closed, it is the responsibility of sport team coaches to ensure that the field is not played upon. Any teams confirmed playing on the field may forfeit the right to play on that field for the remainder of the season.

Field Closure Procedure

Fields are inspected weekly throughout the year by the Village of Pemberton Recreation team. If any of the following conditions occur, fields may be temporarily or permanently closed.

  • Standing water on field
  • Snow pack
  • Frozen field
  • Ongoing field maintenance
  • Periods of forecasted severe weather warnings

Field Open – Coach’s Responsibilities

Although fields may be open for play, weather and field conditions may deteriorate by game time. In these situations, it is the responsibility of field users to determine whether or not to resume play. Coaches are asked to avoid high use areas near the goals/infields when using fields for practices, and to not practice on wet fields.

User Discretion – Coach’s Responsibilities

With user discretion we have empowered the user to make common sense decisions on game day time about whether or not to cancel an event on their field. We ask that if there is frozen conditions or standing water on any area of the field or it is too wet to play, to postpone and re-schedule the event. If you have to postpone an event on a field, email pemrecinfo@pemberton.ca to advise of the postponed date.


Booking an Outdoor Space or Field


All parks and open spaces can be booked through the Pemberton and District Community Centre. To inquire about rental space and rates download the Park Use application form in PDF format. Completed form is to be returned to the Pemberton and District Community Centre or emailed to pemrecinfo@pemberton.ca.