How are YOU holding up? More than ever, I find I am missing the physical presence of my extended family, friends and community. It’s completely normal if you are feeling antsy; never in our time have we been asked to physically disconnect.
Wednesday’s update from Dr. Bonnie Henry was a blunt reminder that community transmission is still occurring and if we do not continue to hold the line like we have been, COVID-19 will make a larger and more devastating appearance in our communities. Please do not become complacent.
So with that, I ask you to continue to take your role seriously in keeping this virus out of our community. Keep practicing physical distancing, wash your hands, and stay home as much as possible. We CAN control the spread of COVID-19 together, by being apart… for now. Continue to virtually visit those you care about or say hello from a distance. We will get through this and I hope that soon we will know a little more about when and how we can slowly reopen.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to give a nod to the parents. The daily balancing act of home learning, fulfilling your children’s social needs while dealing with other external pressures (like finances) is commendable, but also very hard. Don’t forget to take some well-deserved mental health breaks by having some supervised play outside with your kids, taking a family bike ride or a group nap! While we look for positives in our lives to reinforce, it’s also important to be aware of the negatives, to allow ourselves to feel all the emotions and not just sweep them away with positive statements.
On a final note, I want to acknowledge the devastating tragedy that took place in Nova Scotia this week. To the Nova Scotians here in Pemberton and across Canada, we are here for you. I cannot begin to understand the pain and loss the affected families are feeling right now, and the unneeded hardships that COVID-19 brings to mourning. Even though you may not have a physical support system right now, know you have a community to lean on. I urge anyone who is feeling the effects of this horrific event to reach out for help.Keep safe everyone.
Take care,Mike