The Village of Pemberton is inviting qualified individuals or companies to submit a proposal for the supply of cleaning (janitorial) services to the Village for the following facilities: Pemberton & District Community Centre and the Youth / Seniors Centre. The contract associated with each facility is for a one-year term commencing on April 1, 2021 and ending on March 31, 2022.
Submissions must be received by the Village of Pemberton no later than 2:00pm PST on Monday March 8, 2021.
The proposal may be submitted via email to cburns@pemberton.ca or in hard copy form to:
Village of Pemberton,
Box 104, 7390 Cottonwood Street,
Pemberton BC, V0N 2L0
Submissions should be submitted in a sealed package and should be marked “CONFIDENTIAL RFP-2021-01 (Contract Cleaning (Janitorial) Services – Pemberton & District Community Centre and Youth / Seniors Centre)”.
All inquiries should be directed to:
Christine Burns, Recreation Services Manager
Phone: 604.894.2340
Email: cburns@pemberton.ca
Download the Request for Proposal Document