As we begin the long weekend and many folks take pause for religious celebrations, I found myself thinking that although I am apart from friends and family physically, I can still connect in other ways. There’s no doubt that this weekend will be a strange and quiet entrance into the first long weekend of Spring, but I have confidence that we can find ways to ‘visit’ and connect. We have taken to preparing dinner with our daughter via FaceTime, she in her kitchen and us in ours, casually walking in and out of frame – it’s as if she’s here although I think our meals may be a bit more elaborate.
I have also been reminded by someone close to me that we can hold conflicting feelings at the same time. So, while I feel disconnected and a bit stressed, at the same time I am grateful of what I do have, where I live and appreciative of the connections I can make. Let’s take this weekend, no matter who we are, to celebrate what we do have. These are difficult times and I feel confident that we are headed in the right direction. Take some time to celebrate the little things this weekend, and celebrate each other.
Let’s also remember to check in with folks in isolation/quarantine, the immune compromised, seniors, single parent families and vulnerable people who may not have someone to spell them this weekend.
Let’s continue to flatten that curve. Be safe, talk soon.
Chag Sameach, Happy Easter.