Since the Province introduced the reopening framework last week, the Village has been thoughtfully developing our own local 'return to service' framework for municipal facilities, including parks and the Municipal Hall.
Starting on Tuesday, May 19th, the following facilities will be open:
- Pemberton Skatepark
- All municipal playgrounds (with the exception of the natural playscape at the Pemberton & District Community Centre)
- Tennis Court at the Creekside Complex
On Monday, May 25th, the following facilities will be open:
- Municipal Hall (please note, that only person will be permitted into the reception area at a time. While waiting, please be sure to maintain physical distancing from others waiting to come into the Village Office).
Given that Pemberton & District Community Centre (including the natural playscape and waterpark) is part of the Phase 3 Provincial Framework, the facility itself will not be opening during this upcoming phase. However, the Community Centre continues to offer a great selection of online programming. Be sure to visit www.pembertonrecreation.ca to view available adult and child offerings. Please be assured that the Recreation team is working hard to develop a programming and facilities plan that aligns with guidance from the BC Recreation & Parks Association and Provincial guidelines.
The Pemberton & District Public Library is also working on a phased return to service plan. There will be more news on this next week. The Library does continue to offer services such as virtual storytime, contactless pick-up of library books and contactless printing. For more information visit https://pemberton.bc.libraries.coop/ and follow the Pemberton & District Public Library Facebook page at @Pembertonlibrary for up-to-date information on their phased return to service plan.
We are so grateful for your patience while we determine how we can best serve the community while keeping safety top of mind.