WHEREAS the earth is currently on track to warm by more than 3 degrees Celsius; and
WHEREAS an October 8, 2018 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) finds that it is necessary to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, rather than 2 degrees as previously understood, and that doing so “would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society,”; and
WHEREAS the costs to the Village of Pemberton for mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change – including, flooding, wildfire risk, and extreme precipitation – are significant; and
WHEREAS the Village of Pemberton has already resolved as a signatory to the BC Climate Action Charter to become carbon neutral in respect of their operations by 2012, measure and report on their community’s greenhouse gas emissions profile and create complete, compact, more energy efficient urban and rural communities; and
WHEREAS the Village has committed, as a member municipality signatory to the SLRD Regional Growth Strategy, to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure decision making is structured to achieve greenhouse gas reduction targets and build climate resilience for climate change; and
WHEREAS the Village of Pemberton’s youth presented the Mayor and Council with a Climate Action Petition in 2020 that demanded that the students at Pemberton Secondary School, as future stewards of this community, be included as stakeholders in climate action to preserve the health and livability of our planet for future generations.
THAT Council recognizes with grave concern that climate change constitutes a crisis/emergency for the Village of Pemberton; and,
THAT the Village of Pemberton shall adopt a Community Climate Action Plan that recognizes our urgent need to lower our territorial greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient future; and,
THAT Council shall commit to continuing to develop policy and demonstrate courage and leadership that directs meaningful action on the Village of Pemberton’s Climate Emergency Declaration; and
THAT the Climate Change impacts shall be prioritized and noted as a key consideration of all future Village Staff reports and operations; and
THAT Council direct Staff to engage the community on the implementation of the Community Climate Action Plan and to partner with stakeholders to undertake its recommended actions to the best of their abilities and capacity, and report back on its success;
AND THAT COUNCIL support future budgets and work plans that reflect the urgency of climate change and prioritize taking action locally on both mitigation and adaptation and tracking and reducing the Village’s own corporate emissions.
View the Village of Pemberton Community Climate Action Plan.