The Village of Pemberton’s current water wellhouse operates 2 pumps (600V, 3Ph, 150HP and 100HP respectively) using soft-starters and additional 45kW of miscellaneous motor, heating and lighting loads. The Village is considering provisions of standby power systems to operate these loads during periods of utility power outage.
The Village is seeking a proposal from qualified proponents to undertake the design, fabrication, delivery, startup and commissioning of the standby power generator and automatic transfer switch for the Village.
Submission must be received by the Village of Pemberton no later than 2:00pm (Local Time) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 to the attention of:
Tom Csima, Manager, Operations and Projects
Village of Pemberton
7400 Prospect Street
PO Box 100
Pemberton, BC V0N 2L0
The proposal is to be marked as follows:
[Proponent name and address]
Water Wellhouse Standby Power Upgrades
Supply of Generator and Automatic Transfer Switch
RFP No. #2020-02
Confidential - Do Not Open
Proponents may submit their Submission electronically using BC Bid before the submission deadline. Submissions must be submitted in accordance with the BC Bid requirements and e-bidding key requirements (http://www.bcbid.ca).
All inquiries shall be directed to:
Tom Csima, Manager, Operations and Projects
Email: tcsima@pemberton.ca