The Village is seeking Proposals from design-build teams to undertake the detailed design and construction of a Bike Skills Park located at the recently developed Den Duyf Park on Pemberton Farm Road East.
Proposals must be received by the Village of Pemberton no later than 4pm (PST) on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 to the attention of:
Tom Csima, Manager of Operations and Projects
7400 Prospect Street,
Pemberton, BC, V0N 2L0
Sealed Proposals are to be marked as follows:
Design Build Proposal
Bike Skills Park at Den Duyf Park
RFP #2021-05
Confidential - Do Not Open
All inquiries shall be directed to:
Tom Csima, Manager of Operations and Projects
Phone: 604-894-6135 Ex. 240
Email: tcsima@pemberton.ca