NOTICE is hereby given under Section 26 (3) of the Community Charter, that the Village of Pemberton proposes to dispose of certain land or improvements:
Description of Lands or Improvements: Portions of:
- the Remainder of Lot 1, DL 4769, Lillooet District, Plan KAP92761; and
- District Lot 4769, Lillooet District except Plans KAP44479, KAP87467 and KAP 92761; and
- District Lot 766, Lillooet District,
comprising 36,018.63 square meters, more or less, shown on plan EPP115201, provided in the sketch, here.
Persons to Acquire the Property: Blackcomb Helicopters Ltd.
Nature and Term of the Proposed Disposition: Ten (10) year Lease with options to renew for two (2) additional terms of ten (10) years each for a maximum term of thirty (30) years. The lease is intended to facilitate helicopter operations, related services, and maintenance. The Lease also includes licences to permit Blackcomb Helicopters to sell aviation fuel and maintain other parts of the airport.
Consideration to be Received: In the first year, Minimum Rent of $1.37 per square meter (estimated as $49,392.48 annually, not including GST). This rate is adjusted annually based on the previous year’s Minimum Rent plus CPI. The tenant is also liable for Additional Rent, which includes Additional Snow Removal Service Costs and Airport Fees, as may be required.
For more information, please contact Gwendolyn Kennedy, Manager of Corporate & Legislative Services, at the Village Office at 604-894-6135 or by email at glkennedy@pemberton.ca on or before July 31, 2024.
Gwendolyn Kennedy
Manager, Corporate and Legislative Services