Meeting to Consider Application for a Non-Medical Cannabis Retail Store
Tuesday, March 5th, 2019
Council Chambers, 7400 Prospect StreetPublic Welcome
Notice is hereby given in accordance with the Village of Pemberton Non-Medical (Recreational) Cannabis Retail Policy that Council will consider an application for a Non-Medical Cannabis Retail Store in the C-1 Zone at the Regular Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 5th commencing at 5:30pm in Council Chambers, 7400 Prospect Street, Pemberton, BC.
What is the proposed location and operating hours?
The Applicants, Mark Mendonca and Todd Mumford, have applied to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) for a Non-Medical Cannabis Retail Store (CRS) licence proposed to be located in Unit 3-1366 Aster Street, Pemberton, BC. The proposed hours will be 9am to 9pm, seven days a week.
How can I provide feedback ?
You may provide comment in-person at the meeting in which the application is being considered, or you may provide a written submission to the attention of Lisa Pedrini, Sr. Planner, Box 100, 7400 Prospect Street, Pemberton, BC V0N 2L0 or via email lpedrini@pemberton.ca prior to noon on Monday, March 4, 2019.
How do I get more info?
A copy of relevant background documents and the application under consideration may be inspected at the Village of Pemberton Office, 7400 Prospect Street from Tuesday, February 19th to Monday, March 4th during regular office hours (8:30am – 4:30pm), Monday through Friday (statutory holidays excluded) and also online at www.pemberton.ca. For more information contact Lisa Pedrini, Senior Planner at 604-894-6135 (ext. 234) or lpedrini@pemberton.ca.