Friendship Trail Bridge Project
Tell me about the Friendship Trail Bridge Project
The Friendship Trail Bridge is a key component of the Friendship Trail route, which is part of the Sea to Sky Trail and Trans Canada Trail network. The aim of the Friendship Trail and Bridge is to provide a linear, safe connection between the Village, Plateau
neighbourhood, future recreation site and Lil’wat Nation.
The construction of the Friendship Trail is being overseen by the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District and the Friendship Trail Bridge construction is being overseen by the Village of Pemberton. Bridge construction costs are being funded entirely by grants; the
Province’s Bike BC Program, Regionally Significant Projects Gas Tax Fund, and funding from Innergex Renewable Energy Incorporated.
What is the status of the Friendship Trail Bridge?
The bridge design and construction drawings have been completed. Due to increased construction costs, we have experienced a delay in the project. Therefore, to ensure the Village receives the best value for money, we will be issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the construction and installation of the bridge. We anticipate the RFP to be issued in October. Once the construction schedule has been confirmed, we will share the timeline with the community. The project is slated to be completed in 2018.
Download the detailed Project Update Sheet for the Friendship Trail Bridge
Outdoor Soccer Field Project
Tell me about the Outdoor Soccer Field Project
The proposed outdoor soccer field will be located on the designated recreation lands, approximately 3 kilometers from downtown, off Pemberton Farm Road East. The Village was gifted the lands specifically for recreation purposes by the Den Duyf family. The site is intended to accommodate future recreation facilities, outdoor fields and parking. This land is situated along the Friendship Trail enabling residents to access the site by bike and by foot and is proximate to residents of the Village of Pemberton, SLRD Area
C, and Lil’wat Nation.
What is the status of soccer fields?
The first step is to determine if the field will be turf or sod. The Village will need to consider construction costs, playing hours and required maintenance for both options when determining which playing surface to move forward with. To assist with this, the Village will be issuing a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI) which is intended to shortlist potential soccer field developers before seeking detailed bids. This step will enable us to determine which playing surface will be most appropriate, considering
costs, play time and maintenance. Once we have shortlisted the proposals and have determined the type of playing field we require, a Request for Proposals will be issued for a design and build of the field.
In the meantime, fill has been placed on site in preparation for soccer fields which was secured through a Community Amenity Contribution from The Ridge Development. Our goal is to begin field construction in 2018.
Download the detailed Project Update Sheet for the Outdoor Soccer Field Project
Questions? Contact the Village Office at 604.894.6135 or admin@pemberton.ca.