Official Community Plan 2022-2024 (RFP #: 2022.01)
The Village of Pemberton is seeking proposals from qualified consultants, experienced with best practices and progressive land development principles, and with proven recent experience in Official Community Plan (OCP) and bylaw preparation. The work will include comprehensive community engagement, targeted consultations with key groups and stakeholders, and early and ongoing dialogue with the Lil’wat Nation. Tasks will include a plan audit, a technical review and policy gap analysis, updating the community vision and guiding principles, preparation of new policy options and drafting of next policy directions.
View the full Request for Proposal document
Submission Deadline
Proposals will be received until 4pm (PST), on June 3, 2022. Proposals shall be submitted with the following subject line to:
Subject Line: RFP #2022.01 Official Community Plan Review 2022-2024 - Confidential - Do Not Open
Scott McRae
Manager of Development Services
7400 Prospect St, PO Box 100
Pemberton BC, V0N 2L0
Email: smcrae@pemberton.ca
All Addenda, Enquires and Responses will be posted below as per the terms of the RFP. It is the responsibility of the proponent to stay up to date with all information related to this RFP.
Enquires and responses
RFP Enquiry Received May 14, 2022 and Village Response
All enquires should be directed to:
Scott McRae
Phone: 604-894-6135
Email: smcrae@pemberton.ca