In accordance with section 123 (3) of the Community Charter notice is hereby given that the Council of the Village of Pemberton intends to amend Council Procedure Bylaw No. 788, 2015 at the Regular Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 6th, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
In particular, section 18 Order of Proceedings and Business will be amended to adjust the order of proceedings by moving consideration of Bylaw Readings forward in the agenda to follow Staff Reports.
This change follows a recommendation by Ministerial Guidelines that if meetings are to be held via electronic means, items that may be of greater public interest (ie: staff reports, bylaw presentation and readings) should be considered at the beginning of the meeting. Other amendments to the Bylaw include minor housekeeping to correct numbering inconsistencies and clarification of electronic participation for committee and commission members.
A copy of the proposed Council Procedure Amendment (Order of Proceedings) Bylaw No. 888, 2020, is available on the Village of Pemberton website. Questions and comments can be directed to Sheena Fraser, Manager of Corporate & Legislative Services, at 604-894-6135 ext 228 or sfraser@pemberton.ca.