We need your input on improving cycling in Pemberton.
Your input will shape the final Cycling Network Plan, a Plan that establishes a long-term vision for cycling in the Village, including identifying the bicycle network and focusing on maintenance, end-of-trip facilities, education and awareness. The Plan will also enable the Village to access capital funding to improve our cycling infrastructure.
How to Provide Input on the Draft Plan:
Take the online Survey (view the draft document, maps and survey here)
Cycling Network Movie Night @ the Library Tuesday, January 21st
Doors Open: 6:45pm | Movie Screening: 7pm | Open house: 7:30pm to 8:30pm
Join us to learn about and provide feedback on the draft Cycling Network Plan and a screening of “The Ride of your Life” (30 mins). Directed by film maker Graeme Meiklejohn and premiered at Crankworx 2019, this film follows 8 friends who head north on a 11 day, 2517.37 km ride with little more than the lycra on their backs, the credit cards in their pockets, and the need to find out: How far can we go?
Youth Cycling Network Movie Night @ the REC Thursday, January 23rd
Movie Screening: 4pm | Have Your Say Session & DIY Bike Gear: 4:30pm
Join us to learn about and provide feedback on the draft Cycling Network Plan and a screening of “The Ride of your Life”. See above for movie summary.
Review the Draft Cycling Network Plan
Review the Proposed Cycling Network Map (regional) and Proposed Cycling Network Plan (Downtown)
Can’t make these events? Don’t fret!
We will be circulating an online survey, which will be available online on January 27th at www.pemberton.ca and www.facebook.com/villageofpemberton