Q: It’s my constitutional right to have access to medicinal marihuana. Why is the Village banning the sale of marihuana for medicinal purposes?
A: The purpose of the proposed Bylaw is to temporarily prohibit Marihuana Operations within the Village boundaries until the Federal Government has set legislation to legalize marihuana in Canada. Once the Federal Government has made its ruling, Council will revisit this Bylaw during the Zoning Bylaw Review (which is currently underway) and determine how to best regulate it here in the Village, based on the regulations that the Federal Government puts in place.
The Village is in no way wanting to deny access to those who need it. However, dispensaries are currently not legal. In the interim, those who are prescribed medicinal cannabis for health reasons are able to obtain it through other legal means.
Q: Marihuana vs. Marijuana. What’s the deal with the spelling?
A: Marihuana can be spelt both with a ‘j’ and an ‘h’. However, the Village opted to spell with an ‘h’ to remain consistent with the Federal Government spelling in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
Q: I would like to provide input on the proposed Zoning Amendment (Marihuana Operations) Bylaw No. 809, 2017. How can share my opinion and comments?
A: You can have your say two ways:
· Attend the Public Hearing: January 31, 2017 at 7pm, Pemberton & District Community Centre (Room D), 7390 Cottonwood Street (**NEW LOCATION***)
· Write to Mayor & Council: Address letters to “Mayor and Council” at or before the Public Hearing via email (admin@pemberton.ca), fax (604.894.6136) or mail/in-person (Corporate & Legislative Services, Village of Pemberton, P.O. Box 100, Pemberton, BC, V0N 2L0)
If you have any further questions, please call us at the Village of Pemberton at 604.894.6135.